Exodus 22:19
19 Whoever lies with an animal shall be put to death.
Verse 19 is a prohibition on bestiality (what ESV translates as “lies with“ is translated as “sexual relations“ in NIV). The fact of its inclusion shows that sexual perversion is nothing new. We may think that the modern world is more corrupt than past generations, but sin has existed from the beginning of time. The seriousness of this sin is emphasized by the consequence of death. The creation story implicitly declares that none of the animals are suitable for us, that God designed us to pair up with other humans. Someone who practices bestiality has gone far into depravity, losing all sight of love and only caring about their own pleasure.
God, it's tempting to think of some sexual practices as something only other people do, people who are worse than me. But the truth is that I am just as capable of depravity as the next person. I am not a "better" sinner than anyone else. Forgive me for my sins, and help me to do Your will, not my will.
19 Whoever lies with an animal shall be put to death.
Verse 19 is a prohibition on bestiality (what ESV translates as “lies with“ is translated as “sexual relations“ in NIV). The fact of its inclusion shows that sexual perversion is nothing new. We may think that the modern world is more corrupt than past generations, but sin has existed from the beginning of time. The seriousness of this sin is emphasized by the consequence of death. The creation story implicitly declares that none of the animals are suitable for us, that God designed us to pair up with other humans. Someone who practices bestiality has gone far into depravity, losing all sight of love and only caring about their own pleasure.
God, it's tempting to think of some sexual practices as something only other people do, people who are worse than me. But the truth is that I am just as capable of depravity as the next person. I am not a "better" sinner than anyone else. Forgive me for my sins, and help me to do Your will, not my will.