Disclaimer 1: There is a lot of information on the web, so while this list is long, it is by no means exhaustive. Disclaimer 2: I have no affiliation with any of these organizations. I have listed ones that I think have some useful information, but I do not guarantee that everything on all these sites is accurate, so use your own judgment.
http://www.biblegateway.com BibleGateway has the Bible online and searchable in multiple versions, plus some commentaries.
http://www.purepassion.us Pure Passion has an extensive set of videos addressing different areas of sexual brokenness and recovery.
http://yourbrainonporn.com Scientific information on how pornography affects your brain.
http://pornharms.com Information on the dangers of pornography and efforts to combat it.
seekingintegrity.com/resources/ Secular and faith-based resources for addictions.
http://www.evangelicalsforsocialaction.org/porn-awareness/ Information on the dangers of pornography
accountable2you.com/ accountability software that tracks what you are viewing.
http://www.covenanteyes.com/ Covenant Eyes provides accountability software that tracks what you are viewing.
http://www.covenanteyes.com/pornography-facts-and-statistics/ Report on statistics of pornography usage.
http://www.covenanteyes.com/2014/01/13/resolution-quit-porn-will-fail-miserably-succeed-instead/ Strategies for changing habits.
http://www.covenanteyes.com/2014/09/02/resources-wives-porn-addicts Resources for wives of porn addicts
www.focusonthefamily.com/lifechallenges/love_and_sex.aspx Focus on the Family information about pornography, purity, infidelity and more.
http://www.pureintimacy.org/ Also by Focus on the Family, provides information about recovering from sexual brokenness.
http://www.settingcaptivesfree.com/courses/topics/sexual-purity/ Setting Captives Free provides online courses on gaining sexual purity
http://www.purelifeministries.org/ Pure Life Ministries has live-in program and books, articles and podcasts.
http://www.desertstream.org Desert Stream offers recovery groups.
http://www.restoredhopenetwork.com/ Restored Hope has information about recovery, focusing especially on homosexual behaviors.
http://www.faithfulandtrue.com Faithful and True has resources and workbook for recovery
http://newlife.com/emb/ Every Man's Battle has workshops and book by that name.
http://brushfiresfoundation.org/ BrushFires has resources on sexuality, porn, the church, etc.
http://www.porn-free.org/ PornFree has resources for dealing with porn, and Biblical devotions like the ones here.
http://www.purecommunity.org/ Pure Community offers online groups and resources.
http://2.bebroken.com/ BeBroken is about healing sexual brokenness, also has podcasts.
http://www.x3pure.com/ X3 has online courses; also see http://www.xxxchurch.com/.
http://www.freedomchurch.cc/porn-scars has videos and articles about effect of porn.
https://timchester.wordpress.com/2010/07/29/closing-the-window/ Book about how the gospel can help us overcome porn.
http://surfingforgodbook.com/ Book about "discovering the divine desire beneath sexual struggle".
http://dirtygirlsministries.com For female sex addicts
http://beggarsdaughter.com/ For women struggling with porn and lust
http://harvestusa.org/ resources for sexual sanity
http://www.rehabcenter.net/treat-pornography-addiction/ information about treating porn addiction.
http://www.conquerorsthroughchrist.net/ help to reject, resist, and recover from porn.
https://puredesire.org/ and https://conquerseries.com/ resources for dealing with sexual addiction; book and video series by that name.
faithfulandtrue.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/New-Man-Magazine-July.pdf how masturbation affects your sex life
https://bestcellphonespyapps.com/parental-controls-for-smartphones-and-the-internet/ using parental controls on technology
https://jay-stringer.com/book/ book about how our sexual brokenness reveals our way to healing
https://www.celebraterecovery.com/ Christian 12-step groups for any kind of addictive behavior
https://tolovehonorandvacuum.com/great-sex-rescue/ Christian women's view of sex and porn
www.culturereframed.org/ building resiliance and resistance to hypersexualized media and porn
fightthenewdrug.org/ info on porn's negative effects
www.defendyoungminds.com/ info on protecting kids from porn
protectyoungeyes.com/ how to protect your home devices
https://www.challies.com/collections/sexual-detox-a-guide-for-guys/ online book about detox'ing from porn
www.beyondthebattle.net/ book and online recovery groups
https://sherecovery.com/ recovery groups for women who struggle with porn and sex.