Matthew 27:45-46
45 Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land until the ninth hour. 46 And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” that is, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”
Psalm 22:1-2
1 My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from saving me, from the words of my groaning? 2 O my God, I cry by day, but you do not answer, and by night, but I find no rest.
On the cross Jesus quotes Psalm 22 about feeling forsaken. Why was Jesus forsaken by God? Because of our sins. Because of my sin. Because I selfishly choose to indulge the flesh rather than follow God, Jesus had to suffer the anguish of separation from God. We like to think that our private sexual sins don't hurt anyone, but that's not true. Besides hurting ourselves and indirectly our partners, it also hurts God. The God who created us, who loves us, who blesses us with so much, is deeply grieved when we sin, and because of our sin Jesus had to suffer in ways we can barely fathom, just to redeem and free us from our sin.
Heavenly Father, forgive me for the pain I have caused You.
45 Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land until the ninth hour. 46 And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” that is, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”
Psalm 22:1-2
1 My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from saving me, from the words of my groaning? 2 O my God, I cry by day, but you do not answer, and by night, but I find no rest.
On the cross Jesus quotes Psalm 22 about feeling forsaken. Why was Jesus forsaken by God? Because of our sins. Because of my sin. Because I selfishly choose to indulge the flesh rather than follow God, Jesus had to suffer the anguish of separation from God. We like to think that our private sexual sins don't hurt anyone, but that's not true. Besides hurting ourselves and indirectly our partners, it also hurts God. The God who created us, who loves us, who blesses us with so much, is deeply grieved when we sin, and because of our sin Jesus had to suffer in ways we can barely fathom, just to redeem and free us from our sin.
Heavenly Father, forgive me for the pain I have caused You.