Genesis 1:1
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.
This may seem like a strange passage to talk about, as it is simply the familiar creation account. But this is an important and appropriate place to begin. The Bible begins by reminding us of an essential truth: that God exists, and that He is all-powerful. Why does this matter? Because if God really exists, and really created us, then He knows us better than anyone. We all have choices about how we live our lives; are we going to follow God's ways or our own ways? Typically we try to "do our own thing", and that's what usually gets us in trouble. But if there really is a powerful, loving God, then doesn't it make sense to trust Him with our lives? In the 12 step recovery program, step 2 is to believe that there is a power capable of helping us (a God who created us and the world fits that description), and step 3 is to turn our lives over to the care of God (i.e. to trust God and give Him control). The Bible says that the beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord (Proverbs 9:10), and likewise the beginning of healing is trust in the Lord.
Lord, I confess to sometimes wondering if You are there. But as I look into Your word and the wonders of Your creation, I am convinced that you are indeed an all-powerful, loving God. You deserve my praise, and my trust.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.
This may seem like a strange passage to talk about, as it is simply the familiar creation account. But this is an important and appropriate place to begin. The Bible begins by reminding us of an essential truth: that God exists, and that He is all-powerful. Why does this matter? Because if God really exists, and really created us, then He knows us better than anyone. We all have choices about how we live our lives; are we going to follow God's ways or our own ways? Typically we try to "do our own thing", and that's what usually gets us in trouble. But if there really is a powerful, loving God, then doesn't it make sense to trust Him with our lives? In the 12 step recovery program, step 2 is to believe that there is a power capable of helping us (a God who created us and the world fits that description), and step 3 is to turn our lives over to the care of God (i.e. to trust God and give Him control). The Bible says that the beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord (Proverbs 9:10), and likewise the beginning of healing is trust in the Lord.
Lord, I confess to sometimes wondering if You are there. But as I look into Your word and the wonders of Your creation, I am convinced that you are indeed an all-powerful, loving God. You deserve my praise, and my trust.